BetterFleet for Buses


BetterFleet for Buses

ACT – Zero Emissions Case Study:
EVenergi delivered the Fleet Transition Plan (FTP) for the largest fleet migration project in Australia to date – 600 vehicles and charging infrastructure. This led to over $10M in investment

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    Zero Emissions Transport Advisory


    Zero Emissions Transport Advisory

    EVenergi offers ZEV (Zero Emissions Vehicle) transportation consultation and advisory for energy infrastructure, fleet transition, techno-economic modelling, policy research and stakeholder management.
    DPIE EV Charging Performance Study:
    Evenergi’s abilities to synthesise bulk data provided detailed insights into public charging performance across different vehicles and charger power levels. These insights were presented in raw form and further synthesized into key messaging for public consumption.
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      Scenario planning for electric vehicles is difficult. Being able to quickly respond to changes or requests from policy makers seems impossible. GridFleet is a cost effective, accurate, fast and flexible platform to help you understand, optimise and manage the transition to a zero emissions future from your region.
      Ausgrid – Network Wide Electric Vehicle Forecasts:
      The data was used by Ausgrid in its submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator for billions of dollars of annual investment and will help drive better investment decisions around network planning.
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        BetterFleet comes standard with integrations to Hastus, Optibus and Austrics scheduling software as well as common standards like GTFS, TransXchange and TODIS. Custom integrations can also be built to suit your needs
        ACT – Zero Emissions Case Study:
        Evenergy delivered the Fleet Transition Plan (FTP) for the largest fleet migration project in Australia to date – 600 vehicles and charging infrastructure. This led to over $10M in investment
        Get started with BetterFleet – create a free business case in under 5 minutes

        BetterFleet is powerful free tool that will get you started on your journey (currently Australian version hosted – contact us to access the US or UK versions).

        – Find suitable electric or lower emissions vehicles for your fleet from a list of all vehicles available in the market
        – Customise vehicle comparison criteria based on your organisation’s fleet -including charging infrastructure
        – Generate a report to compare a shortlist of vehicles as part of your business case

        Trial our BetterFleet software for free here